Meow's attempt at pics.

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by MeowtheKitty, May 17, 2024.

  1. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Hello All, Meow just tried after many years to take some pics of some pennies Meow found CRH. It did not go well as Meow's favorite USB camera broke years ago and newer one Meow bought is not all that great. On top of that, Meow could not figure out how to get it to work with Meow's newer CatLaptop. So, Meow had to resort to the CatPhone to take the pics. They are not very zoomed in as the focus was not good at all at really close shots. So anyway, for now this is the best Meow can do.
    The first and best one is a 1970 S/S. It is a great find, but.....It is damaged with gouges on Lincolns Face. Too bad, as it actually would be worth something if it was in decent shape.
    The rest are die chips in the date or Liberty.
    The 1962 d is a lamination. There are some other very small lamination flaws present here and there on the obverse.
    Hope the pics can show them clearly enough to identify the points.

    20240517_160613[1].jpg 20240517_160621[1].jpg 20240517_161008[1].jpg 20240517_161032[1].jpg 20240517_161544[1].jpg 20240517_161722[1].jpg 20240517_161744[1].jpg 20240517_161829[1].jpg 20240517_162002[1].jpg

    Attached Files:

    J.T. Parker, alurid, Dima and 3 others like this.
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  3. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    20240517_162107[1].jpg 20240517_162116[1].jpg 20240517_162056[1].jpg

    This 1960 D has die chips on the date, Liberty and at the base of the memorial on the reverse.
    Also one with a chipped Liberty. 20240517_162056[1].jpg 20240517_162107[1].jpg 20240517_162116[1].jpg
    -jeffB and ddddd like this.
  4. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    Those are solid photos especially after not taking any for several years. Keep up the good work!
  5. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    The 1962d has a small extra lamination in the field above the date. The 1970 S/S may be a little hard to see with the poor pics, but Meow is absolutely sure that this the S/S. It is VERY clear with clearer pictures Meow cannot provide at the moment.
  6. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Meow will look into getting a new USB camera. A few more trips to the coinstar and Amazon here we come.
    ddddd likes this.
  7. cwart

    cwart Senior Member Supporter

    Don’t knock those pics…. You did well.
    Timewarp likes this.
  8. cwart

    cwart Senior Member Supporter

    Don’t run out the cat flap for Walmart too quickly…. Those pics are good. Look up some of the coin photography threads around here my feline friend. You are on to something with your phone….
    -jeffB and ddddd like this.
  9. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Thanks. When Meow first bought the now broken USB camera, it took some really great close up pics. If Meow had it now AND if Meow could figure out how to use it with the new CatLapTop Meow would have been able to show the S/S 3 times larger and the 1962 d lamination from the side, really showing the big flake stuck in the date.
  10. cwart

    cwart Senior Member Supporter

    That’s why you need to check out the photography threads. There are so many tips in them.

    Is it easier for your cat paws to edit photos on your laptop or phone? The biggest thing I’d add about your pics tonight is just to crop out everything that isn’t the coin. I ask about how it’s easier for you to edit because I can suggest software either way and many others here can as well.
    -jeffB likes this.
  11. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    They look fine to me.

    Better than a lot that I post.

  12. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    As basic photos of the entire coin that we always ask for, those are great. Decently lit, in focus. Just crop them a little bit (less background).

    Now for uber closeups of specific details like the mintmark you will need a different setup and it's not likely a cell phone camera will deliver.
  13. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Yea, Meow's CatPhone could not focus well any closer. Meow did try.
  14. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    So Meow has one last container of coins left. It is a lunchpail full of pennies saved 25-30 years ago. Never searched, just hoarded. Meow just loved to hoard things even when Meow was a kitten. 20240518_105455[1].jpg
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  15. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    WOW! Holy Cat Poop! That's a haul. How much does it weigh? Like a treasure trove of pennies. lol.gif
  16. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Maybe 12 pounds Meow guesses. Meow does have a 30mm ammo can full of quarters and that Meow knows weighs 405 pounds. It is immovable and has been in the same spot for years. Meow does stub a paw on it several times a week.
  17. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Now THAT is a FINE use of a broken Igloo Cooler - cold hard cash!
  18. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    That was Meow's lunch pail 30 years ago. It used to hold a six pack, sandwich, and iceblock. It turned into a penny box after Meow decided to use a different container for Meow's lunch. Its so old it even has a crack in it.
  19. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Thinking about it now, Meow wishes Meow hoarded way more. They are from pocket change and not gone out the way for. If Meow's brain now was in that fuzzy head then. Meow would have gone bananas hoarding those. Also Tesla stock would have been hoarded too. And Meow would live in a grand mansion now with dozens of muscle cars in the garage.
  20. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Bitcoin at 10c, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Intel...

    Of course, let's be honest, hindsight is 20-20.

    If you had bought all the stocks that did so well for our grandparent's generation ... Big 3 Auto, Airlines, Hotel chains, Xerox, HP, etc., they would only be worth about what you paid for them.
  21. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Meow has started to look through the pail. So far, the youngest penny is dated 1998 so that is about the date this pail was done being filled. Meow has moved it a few more times and thinks maybe it actually weighs closer to 18 pounds. There are quite a few in there. It could fill the coinstar up in one shot maybe.
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