Wrong metal Lincoln?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by impala, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. impala

    impala New Member


    While searching a circulated roll I found a group of 1981 P Lincoln's that have a yellowish color. These coins are very, very clean and bright so appear to have been only lightly circulated.

    Took them to work and used our lab's digital scale with the following results:
    3.156 gm / 3.148 gm / 3.131 gm / 3.125 gm

    As a control I weighted some normal colored 1981 P Lincoln's with the following results:
    3.072 gm / 3.099 gm / 3.028 gm

    A reference book states these Lincolns should weigh 48 grains +/- 2 grains and that one gram equals 15.432 grains. Using these values it appears all the coins are with-in tolerance although the yellowish ones are on the high end.

    Is there any other test besides using the specrometer at work to "burn" the coins thereby destroying them?

    Been lurking a while and enjoyed the posts.

    Thanks in advance for any help,

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  3. Aidan Work

    Aidan Work New Member

    Eugene,can you please scan one of the pieces so that we can see for ourselves?
  4. impala

    impala New Member

    I'll take some digital pictures once I download all the Christmas pictures into my computer.

    Do you know if there is any size limitations for attaching pictures to a post?

  5. impala

    impala New Member

    The 1972 D is brown, the 1985 D is reddish brown and the 2004 P is from an uncirculated bank roll.


    Attached Files:


    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Yes - you can max out at 100k and it won't work. But it is best to try to keep attached pics limited to 50k or thereabouts so that folks with dialup connections don't have a hard time.

    Of course if you have your own web site or storage space and just provide a link or embed your pics in the post - you can use any size you wish ;)

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    I don't really see anything terribly out of the ordinary. They are a different shade of color - but that is to be expected with copper as it is a very reactive metal. If I had to guess - I'd say it was caused by the wash at the mint.
  8. Metalman

    Metalman New Member

    I dont see anything out of the ordinary for the 1981 cent, keep in mind that not only did the design change in 1982 but also the composition so to compare an 81 with a 2000 series cent doesnt work to good,,,
  9. impala

    impala New Member


    Thanks for the responses. They still look pretty yellow to me, like brass. If I can find my slab of brass sheeting I'll post a picture of them together.

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