Good News!! We will have Buffalo Quarters in 2005 thanks to Kansas high school students. Per the KS state quarter legislation, high school students voted for the buffalo design, and the results were certified yesterday (May 6). See link below.
Bravo!!! Wait til the CCAC hears about this..... Do you think they will shoot down this buffalo as quick as they did the recommended Buffalo for next years nickel?
Even if they were to agree to the Buffalo design, the mint rendition would probably have it looking like a tired old cow. I have been associated with a couple of state designs, and the best are usually set aside. Late in the process. After the mint sends back the images of what they can strike, we will see.
I have a hunch the Mint will find a way to do it, given the sucess of the Buffalo Dollar coin in 2001.
You have to take into consideration that the mint uses artists not sculptors. The days of great designs are pretty much a thing of the past. The new infusion of design help isn't really helping. Congress is bound and determined to keep the dead presidents out of fear of offending someone. No one seems to care that we have the ugliest coins in the world. Lack luster designs and poor quality. We choose to honor the men without honoring their wishes. It seems to me, that the best way we could honor these great presidents would be to follow their examples and wishes. Our founding fathers had the foresight and understanding to know better. We have lost that somewhere along the lines. Our pitiful tribute only belittles what these great men set forth. While I am all for honoring these great men, we need to do it in the way that they deserve.
My favorite coins/currency are ones with buffalo/bison on them, predominately American. That is really my main interest and there is a lot of buffalo coins all over the world, not just America. The best pic. i've seen is on that US $10.00 bill and a US/Vietnam MPC that i have. I have yet to see a good pic. on a coin, besides the original buff nickel. I must say that the picture of the buffalo on the Kansas quarter is not bad, but could be improved. The Yellowstone buff is very weak looking (opinion), looks a bit like a calf to me. The American Buffalo deserves its own line of CIRCULATING coinage, put that American shield on the other side, no people, that would be nice!
We have only two Founding Fathers on our coins. Prices for these two series have doubled and tripled as of late. I would think any coin dealer would find that to be good news. I'm sure that if our Founding Fathers could see our country now, having their images on coins would be the least of things they would have to find fault with. I have really tried to understand how having their liknesses on coins belittles them, and I just can't find any merit to that argument. As far as Congress being afraid of offending someone, well, I've never known that to be the case. They pass laws every day, that offend someone. The only thing they're afraid of, is getting voted out of office, and when less than half the eligible public even bothers to vote, they usually don't have to worry much about that either. Now I will agree that the quality of our modern coins is horrible, but that has nothing to do with the "dead presidents" that are on them. It does, however, have everything to do with cranking out as many as possible, as cheaply as possible. Oh yeah, and then convincing collectors that they are worth paying a premium for. As usual, I don't often bring this subject up, but I will respond with my own opinion, when I feel the desire to do so, and as always, I have the very highest respect for your views on the subject.
Hey there Jody. I thought that might spark a good response from you I just love ruffling the feathers every so often. While our views will probably always differ on this subject, we do however agree on the need to honor the founding fathers. That means more to me than anything. I respect the reasoning for your opinion. I do love the fact that the two series have doubled and then some in price. It is a direct result of change. Change is always a good thing. Now I know that the founding fathers would have far better things to complain about than the coinage bearing their likeness, but this issue was brought before them during their time. While some were in favor for just this sort of thing, it was Washington that made the final decision against it. His opinion was that presidential portraits on coins were monarchical. He suggested a device emblematic of liberty. The congress insisted that it was no real compliment to Washington to have his likeness on a coin. The law that followed was known as statute one. This is the basis for all coinage laws. Now I know that two hundred years later, we do not place a presidential image on a coin for monarchical purposes, but take a moment to think of the possible "Reagan" dime. Since the introduction of the Lincoln portrait in 1909, we have systematicly redesigned five of six coins to feature a president. (except the failed dollar) Even the new dollar proposal is for a rotating presidential portrait. If we continue down this path, isn't it safe to assume a living president will be placed on circulating currency? This is exactly what our founding fathers decided against. So how do we belittle them? We go against the very wishes they set forth in building this great nation. Now I admit that there are far greater issues that we ignore, but for our purposes, (coins and currency) it is something to think about. Is it proper to say that we can honor the man without honoring the things they stood for? Just a thought.
Well, here's my two cents (pun intended): We should keep the founding fathers (Wash and Jeff) and Lincoln. With the state quarters, we made a change with the reverses, so we can leave the obverse alone. I like the proposed new obverse for the Jeff Nickel, so let's do that. The Lincoln Cent -- The obverse is classic -- let's keep it and change the reverse in 2009 for the 200th anniv of Lincoln's birth (I think there may be proposals to do that). The other coins -- change 'em, and no dead presidents!!!! (especially Reagan, who is not dead, and is not of stature with the current dead presidents on coins. Heck, if you put Reagan on, that opens the door for Bill Clinton and any other 2-term president!) And rotating presidents on the $1 coin??? They will be lining up for the Millard Fillmore dollar!!!Bring back Liberty, Buffalos, any artistic symbol of freedom or America!!! Ahhh, the $1 coin. What a disaster!!! Nobody uses them (except as change from vending machines at Grand Central Terminal) and they look hideous after one week in circulation. I like the color, size, and thickness of the British one pound coin -- perhaps we should emulate that, and get rid of the $1 bill so we don't doom it to fail!!! And . . . put Liberty on the obverse and a buffalo on the reverse!!!! Just one person's opinion . . .
I was really looking forward to the Millard Fillmore Dollar coin. 3 of my 4 children were born at Millard Fillmore Memorial Hospital. He's kind-of a local hero. Burried not far from my home. I do like your idea for the dollar coin though! And we MUST eliminate the green back.
Bring back the Ike dollar! I've been having a ball buying stuff with these big cartwheels. The sound of an Ike dollar crashing down on a store's counter brings everything to a halt. Most people under 30 have never seen one. I usually leave the store with the register person holding the coin, staring at it like it just landed from space. It's too funny. Give it a try.
I very simply respect our Presidents, dead and alive, though it may be difficult at times (for the ones that are alive). But, bring back those designs of old, liberty shield, buffalo, etc. I've got to agree w/ rbm86 on this part. But, I believe Congress thinks the "people" like the Presidential coinage, so it will probably stay. As far as marketing to collectors, has Congress actually talked to any collectors. Seems like I saw an article were CU spoke to Congress?..Can't say for sure.
Congress is limited in their efforts. Mrs. Fore has met with dealers and collectors alike. She has put in a lot of effort, but she only has so much input with the treasury. It is the treasury that has the authority. They just are afraid to use it. Look at the last attempt. When a mention of changing the nickel came up, Virginia jumped on the bandwagon and got congress to pass a law keeping the design. My firm is in constant contact with a few representatives. I am doing all that I can to make sure we don't lose another coin to a permanent design. For anyone that wants change, make sure to write your congressmen. If you need their name and address, drop me a PM.
If anyone would like to see The Father of our Country remain as the main device on the quarter dollar coin, please take the time to drop your congressman/woman an e-mail. I did. If you don't know how to contact your representative, PM me, and I will help you.
No need for PMs Anyone that wants to contact their Congressional representatives about anything can do so here - Search - Congress