Interesting Ancient Coin, I think from Rhodes

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by James Finseth, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. James Finseth

    James Finseth Member

    I'm not a collector of ancient coins, but I came across this one and it looks intereting so I bought it. I believe it is from Rhodes.
    rhodes1.JPG rhodes2.JPG
    Johndakerftw, Andres2, Co1ns and 15 others like this.
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  3. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    Crowded at the reverse bottom is PO (first two letters in Rhodes in Greek). At the top is a magistrate name APIsigmaTAKOY. It is a good first coin. I hope you will find others as nice in the near future.
  4. Severus Alexander

    Severus Alexander find me at NumisForums

    That's a great coin, I bet you will be hooked soon. Rhodes produced some beautiful coins!

    Screen Shot 2020-09-02 at 8.47.51 PM.jpg
    Didrachm c. 250-230 BCE

    Screen Shot 2020-09-02 at 8.48.11 PM.jpg
    Tetradrachm c. 205-190 BCE
    Johndakerftw, Andres2, Bing and 6 others like this.
  5. pprp

    pprp Well-Known Member

    DonnaML likes this.
  6. Only a Poor Old Man

    Only a Poor Old Man Well-Known Member

    Very nice portrait on your coin and a very good first ancient buy. The name is ΑΡΙΣΤΑ - something, not sure if the next letter is a K or an P. So it is something like Aristarchos or Aristakos or something similar. It is the name of the magistrate in control of Rhodes when this coin was minted.

    Here is my Rhodian coin:

  7. Pishpash

    Pishpash Well-Known Member

    My avatar is from Caria, Rhodes.
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