End of WWII 75th Aniv ASE and AGE?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Westtexasbound, May 16, 2020.

  1. Westtexasbound

    Westtexasbound Active Member

    Anyone in on either?

    Does the privy mark and low mintage make this a hard one to get?
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  3. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    I like the marks personally, hard to get probably not
  4. charlietig

    charlietig Well-Known Member

    So will the proof and mint sets have the privy mark or?
  5. Westtexasbound

    Westtexasbound Active Member

    Anyone know when these come out.
  6. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    TBD. The gold proof will have a mintage limit of 1,945. HSN already has its people getting on line. :D
  7. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    Does anybody get the impression that it suddenly dawned on the Mint about the end of WWII and they threw these two coins together to avoid embarrassment?
  8. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    No, they're just finally starting to do some things that other countries have been doing for years.
    Dima and John Burgess like this.
  9. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

  10. John Burgess

    John Burgess Well-Known Member

    My opinion. It's a lower mintage than the 2011S and the 2011P reverse proof both with just under 100k mintage, but it's not as low mintage as the 1995W or 2019S ERP.

    Maybe there's some room there but it won't be a home run like the 2019S ERP was. I'm not too keen on the 2011 anniversary coin values nowadays, no idea where it's at.

    That said I'm likely a buyer. It's just $5 more than other proof Eagles and should be a bit harder to get down the road than the others.

    I don't do gold so I'll pass on that one. Looks like it could be a good buy if you collect gold American eagles. I just don't know of anyone that does, at least not a completist type collector like with silver eagles. I'm sure they exist, just not sure how many they are and if that 1946 mintage is low to a point where there is a long term shortage for the completists. I am sure the dealers will buy as many as they can and try to bang folks with a markup so it will likely sell out quick. On the secondary market it may be quick to flop though.
    Last edited: May 20, 2020
    GoldFinger1969 likes this.
  11. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    I'm in, obviously. Will probably go after the gold. You won't have time to add both to your cart.
  12. John Burgess

    John Burgess Well-Known Member

    Jwitten, if it were me aiming to get both, I'd go for the gold one first and place 2 orders. The silver one will likely not sell out that fast.

    With the dealers and their buyers and only 1945 of them, and what happened with the ERP last year, it's not going to last longer than a few minutes tops. I'd think your gonna want to be ready to rock and roll the second it becomes available and still might not make it. Fumbling with credit cards or a page reload is gonna kill people's chances I'd think.

    Setiing up a copy/past entry and all that jazz might up your chances.... lol.
    jwitten likes this.
  13. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    Even sitting there ready to go, you do not have much of a chance to get one. It will be interesting, and I expect to see a lot of complaining from those that don't get one.
    John Burgess likes this.
  14. Brian Calvert

    Brian Calvert Active Member

    I am still waiting
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