Burger King Chicken Fries Surprise!

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by TaborTot22, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. TaborTot22

    TaborTot22 Well-Known Member

    Well, it finally happened to me today. My kids attend a Kid's church function on Wednesday nights so the wife and I decided to eat at Subway. Had a great meal and great conversation but the footlong didn't quite fill me up. My students were telling me how excited they were that Burger Kings chicken fries were back. I decided to visit BK next door and buy some. The total was $3.12. I was bummed because I didn't have any change on me. I handed the cashier four ones and she gave me $0.88 in change. As I was waiting for my order, I glanced at the seven coins in my hand. Lo and behold, a 1964 quarter was staring back at me. At today's silver prices, I paid $3.12 and received $4.21 in change plus an order of chicken fries. = ☺ uploadfromtaptalk1407971271702.jpg
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
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  3. josh's coins

    josh's coins Well-Known Member

    I bet it made those chicken fries taste even better. I remember the first I got a lottery ticket I won $15 which was used to buy me and my friend lunch at burger king. Great day.
    Endeavor likes this.
  4. aubade21

    aubade21 Well-Known Member

  5. ace71499

    ace71499 Young Numismatic

    NICE!!! still waiting to find my first silver quarter, hopefully ill have a good story, like I was saving and orphan from a fire and then the pope gave me a handful of change and there was a silver quarter in it.
  6. Effigy303

    Effigy303 Well-Known Member

  7. Travlntiques

    Travlntiques Well-Known Member

    Awesome find, I bet those were the best Chicken fries you've ever tasted :)
  8. onecenter

    onecenter Member

    Mighty tasty chicken fries with silver on the side!
  9. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    What the devil are chicken fries? Great 'change' find Tabor........:)
  10. josh's coins

    josh's coins Well-Known Member

    Now that would be some story.
  11. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title]

    Nice find!

    How were the chicken fries (I've never tried them)?
  12. treylxapi47

    treylxapi47 Well-Known Member Dealer

    Highly processed with a side of HFCS
  13. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney Buh bye

    Even I would eat at Burger King if I got any sort of silver in change. Otherwise forget it.
  14. TaborTot22

    TaborTot22 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, the hype surrounding the BK's Chicken Fries was substantially over exaggerated. I wasn't impressed. But I'm obviously glad that I went.
  15. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney Buh bye

    Pretty much sums up my opinion of their diesel flavoured food.
  16. Briboy07

    Briboy07 Well-Known Member

  17. thomas austin

    thomas austin Beauty is in the eye of me

    My Burger King cashier examines the change before he gives it to me. One time he sorted out a dime and kept it. I asked him why did he keep that dime and he said it was old and he collects old coins. I asked him with a smile was it a silver dime. He smiled back and said yes.

    Another Burger King story. A friend of mine gave me a mint gold plated quarter he received in a bank roll. Hungry now
  18. NorthKorea

    NorthKorea Dealer Member is a made up title...

    I still wouldn't...
  19. Teddydogno1

    Teddydogno1 Well-Known Member

    When you first posted this I tried to replicate the results without success. : (

    NOS likes this.
  20. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    That cashier must know nothing about coins. Was it a teenager? I got a 1964 also a few years ago at a supermarket. Put it in a coin capsule right away so I won't spend it my mistake! Do the same.
  21. toyz4geo

    toyz4geo Member

    Love it when that happens........the quarter, not the chicken fries.
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