Arabic ancient coin identify

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Harshad, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. Harshad

    Harshad Member

    Hello colleagues. Please take a look 15mm 1519518943741-568136745.jpg 1519518895586-1540420876.jpg
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  3. Parthicus

    Parthicus Well-Known Member

    My quick ID is that it is a silver acke from the Ottoman Empire, but I would need some time to figure out the exact details. (Note: My spell-check tried to correct "acke" as "cake".)
    Severus Alexander likes this.
  4. Severus Alexander

    Severus Alexander find me at NumisForums

    I think it's Murad II, AH 834, Serez mint.
    Harshad likes this.
  5. gsimonel

    gsimonel Well-Known Member

    Your spell-checker is correct. Ottoman acke were actually silver-coated fig cakes, often with delightful cream fillings, eaten to aid digestion after royal banquets, (sort of like an after-dinar mint).
    Severus Alexander likes this.
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