USA Coin Book Site

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by PamR, Feb 12, 2024.

  1. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Hi all,
    Has anyone ever sold on the USA Coin Book site?
    Thanks for any info.
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  3. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    I make an occasional sale there . . .
    PamR likes this.
  4. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

  5. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    One good way to gage how well-matched USACB as a sales venue is to your wares and prices would be to review the past sales of other sellers on the site. You can review feedback of sellers offering merchandise like what you have to offer and find sales prices and photos in their sold listings.
    Heavymetal, alurid and PamR like this.
  6. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Thank you so much. I will for sure research. I have an eBay account but I do not think I want to go that route. Thanks again.
  7. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member Supporter

    I have. The fees are much lower than eBay, but traffic in the site is very slow comparatively. It may take a while to get things sold. I jump on myself every now and then to see if there's anything if interest, but it's been a year or so since I sold anything on there.
    PamR likes this.
  8. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Thank you very much for your input.
  9. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Might have to try eBay! lol! Ugh!
  10. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    Good luck. I gave up selling on eBay two years ago, and haven't looked back.
    charley and PamR like this.
  11. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Lord had mentioned to sell on sale forum here. I would join of course. I want to make sure if I do decide to that I have the rules in line! :)
  12. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    Makin' it easy for ya . . . Da Rules.
    PamR likes this.
  13. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Yep… don’t want to get out in time out! :)
  14. Noah Worke

    Noah Worke Well-Known Member

    I'm a fan of it, I buy occasionally. Might end up selling there in a couple of months, who knows.
    PamR likes this.
  15. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Thank you!
  16. serafino

    serafino Well-Known Member

    Thanks for reminding me about that site, it's so slow that I check there once or twice a year. Probably the same stuff I saw a year ago will still be for sale. ;)
    PamR likes this.
  17. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    I guess depending on what they are selling. I’m reading about other areas as well.
  18. Hiddendragon

    Hiddendragon World coin collector

    Everyone on here has this irrational hatred of eBay and I don't get it. Yes, once in awhile something goes bad on there but that can happen anywhere. Well over 99% of transactions go just fine and you don't hear about that. I've sold thousands of coins on there and purchased thousands more and for the most part it's fine. And assuming you're selling the foreign coins you keep posting, it's basically the same sort of stuff I sell every day. You just need to know what you're doing, charge an appropriate amount for shipping and use honest, clear pictures. There are other sites where people sell coins but you don't hear about them much because they just don't work as well. Especially selling foreign coins, eBay is the way to go.
    serafino, PamR and Heavymetal like this.
  19. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Thank you. Yes I would definitely put clear photos along with descriptions. Nothing fancy so far but there is always someone that likes a coin for certain reasons.
    Still going through them. It is like anything, one can have issues etc but it’s what one does correctly and not take advantage of another.
    Thanks again!
  20. Rushmore

    Rushmore Coin Addict

    No selling but lots of buying.
    ZoidMeister and PamR like this.
  21. serafino

    serafino Well-Known Member

    ebay is by far the biggest market place for coins, nothing else comes close to them in volume of sales. They are the only place I look for the coins I collect. Of course they are not perfect and you need to be careful.
    PamR likes this.
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